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Test drive & surveys for dynamic events

The beginning of phase 3 marks, with due attention to safety, the return to the business of events. Peritus is managing a series of dynamic events, i.e. events with test drive planning, in Switzerland, Poland and Italy. At work, the Jolie platform, which collects presence data, manages the reservation of specific time slots in order to guarantee the safety of participants and collects customer feedback at the end of the experience.

Last, but not least, the management of call campaigns through survey tools that detect the feedback of interest to potential customers. During the lockdown period, the feedback was based on watching the launch videos of the new products. External survey services are integrated within Jolie; the platform associates surveys to people and exports 3 values ​​that can identify customers’ purchase intentions and then send them to CRM.

A lite version of Jolie is also recently available, in order to offer the customer an even more streamlined, simple and convenient experience in organizing his event.

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